Monday, October 15, 2012

Our Travels...Paris, Part Two

No post about Paris is complete without a picture of the Eiffel Tower 

Paris is for lovers! Good thing I brought Cazz! lol

rainy weather

On Saturday night we went to the Famous Moulin Rouge! We had a table for 2 and a bottle of Champagne! It was fun to get dressed up, but honestly the show was a bit of a disappointment. The costumes were very French and they lived up to my expectations very flashy and sexy, but the songs and the dance numbers lacked pizzazz. I think I was expecting a more burlesque style show, and what I got was the quality of a Mexican Resort Dance Number. The men were much more talented than the women, and there were a few acts in between to tie over the audience during costumes changes. All in all I'm glad we went but I wouldn't do it again - I think the show has strayed from its traditional roots. 

Ironically, we had planned to eat at a fancy restaurant before the show since we were already dressed up. But we should have booked ahead because on a Saturday night in Paris everything was already booked up for the night. In the end, we were in a rush to make the show so we ended up eating at the fast food burger place, Quick, next door to the Moulin Rouge!!! What a sight we were in Nylons, full makeup and heels, eating cheese burgers and fries! lol We had to laugh at ourselves, it was too ridiculous. 

On our way to the Musee D'Orsay we passed a bridge, covered in locks. We asked around, to find out what was going on, since it seemed out, and we found out that a new tradition has developed over the last 3 years where you purchase a lock, write your name and if you're a couple the name of your sweetheart, lock the lock and toss the key into the river. It's about fate and luck, and if you're single love will find you and if you're not then you secure you're bond with the lock. I made Cassandra do one and I think I'll wait till I'm in Paris next month with Luke to do my own. 

Like I said in the last posted we visited the Sacre Coeur in Montmarte. I lit a candle in the church for my family and friends back at home, hope my prayers are answered!

Montmarte was a really nice area of the city, with lots of cafe's an art market, a mime, and street vendors!

And finally... no French trip is complete without some macaroons! We lined up outside La Duree to get a taste of some of Paris' most famous macaroons. We weren't allowed to take pictures outside the boutique  so you'll have to be content with this picture. We got salted caramel and something with marshmallow. But a local directed us to another bakery instead, Piere Hemes, which sold wayyyy better tasting macaroons, so if you're ever in Paris don't bother with the line up at La Duree just head around the corner to Pierre Hermes they're delicious!
 And that's the end of Paris, for now... I'll be back again with mes parents, next weekend, so hopefully I'll get to see everything I missed. The city is so huge that it would take months to really know it, and find all those local hangouts that us tourists aspire to stumble upon!!

Love ale

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