Thursday, November 22, 2012

One Month!!

So...I have officially been in France for 98 days! At this point we've got one more month left in France before we return to Toronto.

So I will share with you my bucket list for the next month...ITS GUNNA BE HECTIC!! 
Not to mention we've got exams somewhere in there too!

1. Ride the carousel in Lyon
2. Go out for Oysters and White Wine, just like the French 
3. Eat only dessert for one day!
4. Go to a macarron baking class
5. Watch a movie, in French
6. Go to the Art Museum in Lyon
7. Attend the Fete de Lumiere in Lyon, and light candles for the event!
8.Go to the Opera 
9. Try one of Paul Bocuse's restaurants 
10. Try tripe, and terrine (gross!)
11. Visit Chamonix, Lille, Paris, Annecy, Strasbourg and anywhere else I can think up that's cheap!!
12. and finally! visit the Christmas Market that will be held in Lyon through the end of November until Christmas!!

Think I can do it all? Guess you'll wait for the next posts to find out...
Miss everyone at home, been missing you all. Had a mildly depressed homesick episode two weeks ago, but I'm back to myself now just trying to pack as much as I can into this last month and make a few more memories before it's done for good!!

Toronto, here we come!

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